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Effortless Signatures: Just Click and Sign

Maverick Capital needed to streamline the collection of over 400 investor signatures quickly. Learn how Solusign simplified this process with customized DocuSign templates and an intuitive questionnaire. The result? Investors completed their forms with high precision, often within 48 hours.


reduction in manual onboarding tasks


error-free document

O min

Spent on manual paperwork

About Maverick Capital

Maverick Capital, a leading investment advisor, oversees private funds for sophisticated investors. To optimize their investor documentation process, they partnered with Solusign. The solution involved crafting bespoke DocuSign templates and integrating them with a user-friendly questionnaire, enhancing both operational efficiency and accuracy.

Industry: Hedge Fund
Company Size: Large
Location: Global
Use Case: Streamlining investor signature collection through advanced automation to boost efficiency, minimize errors, and facilitate prompt and accurate documentation.


The Problem

Maverick Capital struggled with a time-consuming process to gather over 400 investor signatures efficiently. Managing varied signature requirements for multiple funds and investors made the process cumbersome and error-prone. The firm sought a streamlined, automated solution to enhance accuracy and speed.


The Solution

Solusign collaborated with Maverick Capital’s Investor Relations Manager Corrie M. to revamp their signature collection process:

  1. Designed a guided questionnaire to direct investors to the appropriate forms
  2. Developed customized DocuSign templates for different signature requirements
    Integrated the
  3. DocuSign templates with the investor questionnaire for seamless processing


The Results

Maverick Capital’s investor signature collection process was transformed into a highly efficient system.

Investors completed their forms with ease, with the majority finalizing their signatures within 48 hours. This automation not only saved time and reduced errors but also ensured that all required information was accurately captured and processed.


“We saved time and money by avoiding the need to resend envelopes with errors”

Corrie M.
Investor Relationship Manager
Maverick Capital

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