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Streamlined Subscriptions:
Easy and Efficient

Market Signal aimed to simplify their investor subscription process. Learn how Solusign transformed their system using tailored DocuSign templates and an optimized questionnaire. The result? Investors now complete their paperwork effortlessly with just one link.


reduction in manual onboarding tasks


error-free document

O min

Spent on manual paperwork

About Market Signal

Market Signal, an AI-driven hedge fund based in the Cayman Islands, faced challenges with complex investor documents. Partnering with Solusign, they developed intuitive DocuSign templates and an easy-to-use questionnaire. This transformation led to a nearly automated subscription process, praised by investors for its simplicity and efficiency.

Industry: Hedge Fund
Company Size: Medium
Location: Cayman Islands
Use Case: Enhancing investor subscription processes through automation to improve ease of use, reduce complexity, and ensure a seamless experience.


The Problem

Market Signal faced difficulties with a complex investor subscription process involving intricate PDF forms from their lawyer.

The General Partner, Philip Grace, was concerned about potentially losing investors due to the confusing documentation. Despite attempts with DocuSign, the process proved too cumbersome. The firm needed a simplified, automated solution to make subscriptions easier for their investors.


The Solution

Solusign partnered with Market Signal to transform their subscription process:

  • Created an intuitive investor questionnaire to capture essential information
  • Designed customized DocuSign templates to streamline subscription agreements
    Integrated the
  • DocuSign templates with the investor questionnaire for a seamless experience


The Results

Market Signal's subscription process was significantly enhanced, making it much more user-friendly.

Investors now complete their documents effortlessly through a single, straightforward link. This improvement led to a nearly automated process, with investors praising the ease of use and the smoothness of the new system.

“We often receive positive feedback from investors on how effortless the fund subscription process is.”

Philip Grace
General Partner
Market Signal

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