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Stop Fighting with CSVs for Your Docusign Bulk Send

Tired of wasting hours on manual CSV uploads, fixing errors, and tracking signatures?

Say goodbye to the stress of managing Docusign bulk sends the hard way.

End the Struggle —Book a Call

Trusted by 1,440+ users who’ve stopped fighting with Docusign across 4 continents


Sick of the Manual Work?

Don’t Let Manual Bulk Sending Slow You Down

Avoid the endless manual CSV uploads that cause frustration and delay your progress.

Don’t waste time fixing field mismatches and reconfiguring templates for every batch of envelopes.

Stop feeling overwhelmed by manually testing, tracking and saving signed documents.

How It Works

No More Struggling Through Complex Bulk Send

Import your recipient data

Upload your recipient data directly into DocuSync - no need for uploading CSV files to Docusign.

Map your data to your Docusign templates

Connect your Docusign account to map your recipient data to your Docusign templates.

Click ‘Send’

Send all your envelopes with a single click, and let automation track signature statuses and save signed PDFs.

End the Stress of Managing Bulk Sends Manually!

Create Ready to Sign Documents without
Any Copy-Paste

No more manual errors or formatting issues.

Test Signing Before Sending

Simulate signing with your own email address without notifying your real signers.

Auto-Track Signatures at Scale

Tired of hunting through spreadsheets to see who hasn’t signed? Track signatures automatically in one place—no more manual follow-ups.

Auto-save signed PDFs

Automatically save and name your PDFs in cloud folders, using variables like {signer_name}—no manual effort needed.


Auto-Update Your Records with Signer Inputs

As signers fill in information in DocuSign forms, DocuSync instantly updates their records with that information. No more copying from forms to spreadsheets.


Solusign Eliminates Your
Biggest Bulk Send Challenges

Collecting Signatures in Bulk With Docusign CSV 🕰️ With Solusign ✨
💾 Data Storage
One centralized place to store your recipient data and documents
Not available
250,000 records across 5 customizable tables
⬆️ Importing Data to Docusign
Data import process
Import CSV files manually
Docusign integration
Mapping recipient data to Docusign fields
CSV column names must match
Flexible mapping where users choose and map fields
⚙️ Setting Up Workflows
Create envelopes with flexible recipient numbers
Requires multiple templates and CSV files
Automate the entire document workflow
⚠️ Limited
🧪 Testing Envelopes
Preview envelopes before sending
Not available
Simulate signing process to catch errors before sending
Requires multiple CSV uploads with test data
🚀 Sending Envelopes
Maximum number of recipients per batch
⚠️ 999 recipients
125,000 recipients
Group envelopes by project
Not available
Automated project grouping
Send via SMS & WhatsApp
Not available
Personalize email content
⚠️ Limited
Fully customizable
🔍 Tracking Envelopes
Generate reports to track large volumes of envelopes
Not available
Leave notes on specific envelopes
Not available
Share live signing status with collaborators
Not available
🔄 Updating Envelopes
Update recipient emails and other info after sending
⚠️ Manually updated in Docusign
Automated updates
Mass update envelope details
Not available
Mass resend or void envelopes
Not available
📑 Storing Signed PDFs
Automatically store signed documents in cloud storage
⚠️ Requires manual setup in Docusign
Fully automated
Name signed PDFs using custom variables
⚠️ Limited options for file names
Full flexibility, using variables like {signer_name}
📝 Storing Signer Inputs
Automatically update signer records with form data
Not available
Reuse Signers' inputs in future documents or envelopes
Not available

Unveil How Our Clients Save Time Using Bulk Sending Automation Software

How Kingsbridge saved 117 hours a month by onboarding accredited investors on Autopilot

Case Study

How Excelsior Ambulance Services Saved $80K/year on wages

Case Study

How Eldertree's sales reps increased contract by 814%

Case Study

Why Keep Struggling?

You Deserve an Easier Way


Avoid Manual CSVs Forever: No more fighting with uploads, errors, and endless testing.


Stop Losing Time to Rework: Automate repetitive tasks and fix errors without starting from scratch.


No More Bottlenecks: Scale effortlessly—send up to 60,000 envelopes in one click.


Say Goodbye to Complicated Systems: Get everything done in one place with a simple, intuitive interface that does the hard work for you.

End the Struggle Today — Schedule a Call

Don’t waste another minute fighting with CSVs. Try Solusign and make bulk sending stress-free.


What Our Clients Are Saying



"1 click sends contracts
to everybody"

Kathy Peters
Benchmark School Group

"Subscriptions are now quick
and easy"

Haig Malkasyan
Director of Finance

"VC Law Firm Automates 350 Investors Agreements 1 click"

Chris Harvey
Harvey Esquire

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to Transform Your Mass Signature Workflow?

Save hundreds of hours creating, sending, tracking, and storing Docusign signatures.

Book a Call

We help companies automate document workflows by developing Docusign templates and integrations.

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