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Signing Was as Easy as Clicking "Sign"

CERULEAN Private Equity faced the challenge of managing 400 subscription documents for their new fund launch. Discover how Solusign simplified their process with prefilled DocuSign templates and bulk distribution. The result? Investors only had to click "Sign," with 80% completing their agreements in under 24 hours.


reduction in manual onboarding tasks


error-free document

O min

Spent on manual paperwork

About CERULEAN Private Equity

CERULEAN Private Equity, located in Canada, focuses on managing private equity funds. To streamline their investor onboarding, they turned to Solusign to automate document handling and distribution. The solution transformed their process into a seamless experience, allowing investors to sign with just one click.

Industry: Private Equity
Company Size: Medium
Location: Canada
Use Case: Automating and streamlining investor onboarding to boost efficiency, reduce manual work, and enhance the signing process through advanced solutions.


The Problem

CERULEAN Private Equity faced a slow and laborious investor onboarding process.

With the need to distribute 400 subscription documents for a new fund, managing and processing each document individually was inefficient. The firm needed a streamlined, automated solution to handle the signing process more effectively.


The Solution

Solusign partnered with Jared Klow and his team to enhance CERULEAN’s onboarding:

  1. Set up subscription agreements as DocuSign templates
  2. Reorganized Cerulean's investor information
  3. Loaded DocuSign templates with investor information
  4. Bulk sent subscription agreements to all investors


The Results

CERULEAN’s investor onboarding process was transformed into a swift and efficient operation.

Investors only needed to click "Sign," simplifying the experience. The automation led to 80% of the documents being signed within 24 hours, greatly improving the speed and ease of subscription.



“The automation led to 80% of the documents being signed within 24 hours”

Jared Klow
Partner at CERULEAN

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